#396: Teen Girl “Gossips and Jokes” To Cops After Beating A Young Mom to Death by Stephanie Soo & Ramble

#396: Teen Girl “Gossips and Jokes” To Cops After Beating A Young Mom to Death

from Rotten Mango

by Stephanie Soo & Ramble

Published: Sun Oct 06 2024

Show Notes

A woman named Ashley walks into the emergency room with strange injuries. Bruises all over her body. Scrape marks on knees and bite marks on her face.

The nurses don’t feel comfortable with her explanation of how she sustained such severe injuries. The only answer that makes sense to them… is abuse. Severe abuse. A beating.

They call the police to report it - and by the end of the night, the patient is dead.

Now the police are left to investigate - her boyfriend. Her affair partner from work. Her lover’s girlfriend. And even his little 17-year-old sister.

4 different people with connections with Ashely.

4 different reactions to the news of her death.

And 2 responsible for killing her.

Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com