#336: Poisoned Baby Formula TURNED 300k Kids Into “BIG HEAD BABIES” by Stephanie Soo & Ramble

#336: Poisoned Baby Formula TURNED 300k Kids Into “BIG HEAD BABIES”

from Rotten Mango

by Stephanie Soo & Ramble

Published: Thu Feb 15 2024

Show Notes

“Could you please help me? I need money for my baby.”

Something strange was happening in the small city of Fuyang, China. There was an influx of families begging for help on the street. All of them said something was very wrong with their child. The baby had a mystery illness and needed help.

When passerbys would bend down to take a closer look - they realized that the 5 month old infant had the head size of a “full size watermelon.”

This was not a genetic condition nor was there an explanation.

The truth would lead to over 20 arrests and 2 death penalty sentences.

And the eerie feeling that - there must be something in the water there.

Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com