#150: The Chinese Corpse Dungeon (Serial Killer Jia Wenge) by Stephanie Soo & Ramble

#150: The Chinese Corpse Dungeon (Serial Killer Jia Wenge)

from Rotten Mango

by Stephanie Soo & Ramble

Published: Sun Mar 27 2022

Show Notes

She woke up disoriented in the dark. She didn’t know where she was… oh god, what’s that awful smell?

Her hand was touching something sticky on the ground. When her eyes slowly adjusted to the dark she saw - bodies. Dead bodies. Stacked on top of each other. Some of their faces were frozen still as if they were still screaming.

The stickiness on her hand? The bodies coming together and forming a sticky sludge filled with maggots.

Now the question - how would she escape the dungeon?

Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com