E32: Ashby Monk, Stanford Professor on How to Become a Billionaire in Private Equity by David Weisburd

E32: Ashby Monk, Stanford Professor on How to Become a Billionaire in Private Equity

from How I Invest with David Weisburd

by David Weisburd

Published: Thu Jan 11 2024

Show Notes

Ashby Monk, Executive and Research Director at Stanford sits down with David Weisburd to discuss the role and operation of asset owners like pension funds, endowments, and more. They delve into compensation in these fields, the state of pension funds in the US, and their impact on private equity. We’re proudly sponsored by Bidav Insurance Group, visit lux-str.com if you’re ready to level up your insurance plans. The Limited Partner podcast is part of the Turpentine podcast network. Learn more: turpentine.co (0:00) Introduction and discussion about billionaires in the alternative industry (2:05) Conversation about studying a $140,000,000,000,000 asset class (8:23) Conversation about compensation in pension funds and asset management ()Sponsor: Bedav Insurance Group ()Differences in pension plan strategies and asset allocation ()The role of unions in pension plans ()The journey of starting a private equity fund ()Celebrating entrepreneurial individuals in institutions and foundations ()Advice for venture capital managers starting out: From angel investing to fund 1 ()David Weisburd asking about Ashby's tool sold to Atapar ()David Weisburd thanking Dr. Russell Reed and Ashby Monk for their participation in the podcast