E25: Jeff Galvin, CEO of Addimmune on Finding a Cure for HIV by David Weisburd

E25: Jeff Galvin, CEO of Addimmune on Finding a Cure for HIV

from How I Invest with David Weisburd

by David Weisburd

Published: Wed Dec 06 2023

Show Notes

Jeff Galvin, CEO of Addimmune, sits down with David Weisburd to discuss cell and gene therapy, and how Addimmune is working on a functional solution for HIV. We’re proudly sponsored by Bidav Insurance Group, visit lux-str.com if you’re ready to level up your insurance plans. (0:00) Episode Preview (2:21) Jeff’s background (5:08) Teaching at MIT as a teenager (8:22) What is gene therapy? ()Episode Sponsor: Bidav Insurance Group ()Gene therapy success stories ()What is HIV? ()AGT103 and the quest for a functional HIV cure ()AGT103’s Phase I results ()How gene therapy could revolutionize pharmaceuticals ()How to contact Addimmune