E15: Scott Painter on His Relationship with Elon Musk and the Future of Mobility by David Weisburd

E15: Scott Painter on His Relationship with Elon Musk and the Future of Mobility

from How I Invest with David Weisburd

by David Weisburd

Published: Thu Oct 26 2023

Show Notes

Scott Painter, CEO of Autonomy sits down with David Weisburd to discuss how he creates value as a serial entrepreneur and why Elon Musk has been able to be successful through all his ventures. We’re proudly sponsored by Tactyc, visit tactyc.io if you’re ready to level up your venture fund. (0:00) Episode Preview (1:12) Scott’s Background and Focus on the Automotive Industry (3:15) The Highs and Lows of Being an Entrepreneur (5:01) Invest in Yourself if you Believe in Yourself (7:00) Scott’s Definition of Success (7:42) What being a “Visionary” in the Automotive Industry Means (8:59) Owning a Car Shouldn’t Equate to Soul Crushing Debt ()Accessibility is a Way to Unlock Affordability ()What Autonomy is at its Core ()Episode Sponsor: Tactyc ()Autonomy’s Business Model ()Scott’s Friendship with Elon Musk ()How Autonomy Benefits from EV Tax Credits ()The Secret to Elon Musk’s Success ()Empowering Employees by Decoupling Risk and Reward ()The Future of SpaceX? ()The Flywheel of Wealth Creation ()Autonomy’s $100B Mission ()Is An Autonomy IPO on the Horizon? ()How to Contact Scott