E37: Errik Anderson on Co-Founding 20 Biotech Startups Cumulatively Worth $10B+
from How I Invest with David Weisburd
by David Weisburd
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
Show Notes
Errik Anderson sits down with David Weisburd to discuss Pro-noia, the potential of the biotech industry, and the 82VS Seed Fund investment approach. They discuss practicing Pro-noia, the value of building a portfolio of relationships, and the idea of a forever company. (0:00) Introduction to Errik Anderson and his concept of Pro Noya ()The potential scale of platform building in the biotech industry ()Leading with work and following with capital - the approach at 82VS Seed Fund ()Practicing Pro Noya: Cultivating optimism and generosity ()Building a portfolio of relationships and the compounding value ()Errik Anderson on involving his family in his work ()Errik Anderson's management style: micro-managing or detailed involvement? ()Errik Anderson explains the concept of a forever company ()Collaborating with big pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer ()Launch of the Tenex Capital Podcast newsletter powered by Carrie Alabs