Marcus Buckingham: Harness Your Strengths | E104 by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network

Marcus Buckingham: Harness Your Strengths | E104

from Young and Profiting with Hala Taha (Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing)

by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network

Published: Mon Mar 01 2021

Show Notes

FINALLY understand your strengths!

In today’s episode, we are chatting with Marcus Buckingham, a best-selling author, motivational speaker and business consultant. He spent two decades at Gallup helping co-create the StrengthsFinder tool and is now CEO of his own coaching firm, The Marcus Buckingham Company as well as currently leading the ADP Research Institute. Marcus has been featured in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Forbes, Fortune, Fast Company, The Today Show, and The Oprah Winfrey Show.

In this episode, we chat about the differences between strengths and weaknesses, how to build up your strengths, and understand how to take feedback. We’ll then talk more about the uniqueness of every person on a team, how teams can work to build on their strengths, the best qualities of managers, and Marcus’ vision of the future of work.

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Reach out to Hala directly at Hala@YoungandProfiting.com

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Follow Hala on ClubHouse: @halataha

Check out our website to meet the team, view show notes and transcripts: www.youngandprofiting.com


- Difference Between Strengths and Weaknesses

- How to Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses

- How to Build Up Your Strengths

- Are Weaknesses Related to Strengths?

- Understanding Feedback and Reactions

- Facts About 360 Feedback

- The Uniqueness of Each Person

- How a Team Can Work on Their Strengths

- Best Qualities of Managers

- How to Identify Leaders

- COVID Engagement Research

- The Future of Work

- Marcus’ Secret to Profiting in Life

Mentioned In The Episode:

Marcus’ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcus-buckingham/

Marcus’ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marcusbuckingham

Marcus’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/mwbuckingham

Marcus’ Website: https://www.marcusbuckingham.com/

Marcus’ Research Organization: https://www.adpri.org/