Ethan Kross: Harness Your Internal Chatter | E122
from Young and Profiting with Hala Taha (Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing)
by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
Show Notes
Calm that internal chatter!
In this episode, we are talking with Ethan Kross, one of the world’s leading experts on controlling the conscious mind, best-selling author, and an award-winning professor at the University of Michigan. Ethan studies how the conversations people have with themselves impact their health, performance, decisions and relationships. His book, Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why it Matters and How to Harness It, is a national bestseller and was chosen as one of the best new books of the year by the Washington Post, CNN and USA Today.
Ethan’s research has been published in Science, The New England Journal of Medicine, and The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, among other peer-reviewed journals. He has participated in policy discussion at the White House and has been interviewed on CBS Evening News, Good Morning America, Anderson Cooper Full Circle, and NPR’s Morning Edition. His pioneering research has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The New Yorker, Harvard Business Review, USA Today, The Economist, The Atlantic, Forbes, and Time.
In today’s episode, we talk about how Ethan first got interested in introspection, the power of internal dialogue, and the wide spectrum of chatter. We’ll also dive deeper into the connection between emotion and pain, actionable tools you can use when you experience chatter, and the best ways to get in ‘the zone’ in a short amount of time!
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- What Sparked Ethan’s Interest in Introspection
- How Internal Dialogue is The Brain’s Swiss Army Knife
- The Spectrum of Chatter
- The Connection Between Emotions and Pain
- How Ethan Got Out of His Negative Thought Loop
- What Not To Do When Experiencing Chatter
- Strategies To Be a Good Advisor to Problems
- Tools in The Chatter Toolbox
- Ways To Refocus in a Short Amount of Time
- Perspective on Focusing on The Present Versus The Future
- How to Deal With The Ever-Digital World
- Ethan’s Secret to Profiting in Life
Mentioned in the Episode:
Ethan’s Website: https://www.ethankross.com/
Ethan’s Book, Chatter: https://www.ethankross.com/chatter/
Ethan’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/ethan_kross
Social Media:
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Reach out to Hala directly at Hala@YoungandProfiting.com
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Follow Hala on ClubHouse: @halataha
Check out our website to meet the team, view show notes and transcripts: www.youngandprofiting.com