Holocaust Survivor, Dr. Edith Eger: Overcoming Trauma | E112
from Young and Profiting with Hala Taha (Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing)
by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
Show Notes
Hear From Holocaust Survivor and Psychologist, Dr. Edith Eger!
In this episode, we are chatting with Dr. Edith Eger, a best-selling author, psychologist, and survivor of the Holocaust. In 1944,she was taken to Auschwitz as a teenager and separated from her parents, who were taken to the gas chamber. Surviving on her bravery and imagination, she was able to stay alive until American soldiers liberated the camp. She went on to move to America and received a Bachelors of Psychology as well as a Doctorate.
Dr. Eger is a prolific author and a member of several professional associations. She has a clinical practice in La Jolla, California, and holds a faculty appointment at the University of California, San Diego. She has appeared on numerous television programs including CNN and the Oprah Winfrey Show, and was the primary subject of a holocaust documentary that appeared on Dutch National Television.
In today’s episode, we chat about Edith’s shot at competing in the Olympics as a teenager, her horrifying experience during the Holocaust, how her mental strength helped her survive. We’ll also chat more about how you can use your imagination to protect yourself, how to conquer traumatic experiences, why the label ‘victim’ shouldn’t be used, and Dr. Edith’s best tips to move forward from trauma and guilt. This is such a sobering and insightful episode that you definitely do not want to miss!
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Check out our website to meet the team, view show notes and transcripts: www.youngandprofiting.com
- Dr. Edith’s Life Before the Holocaust
- Dr. Edith’s Journey through the Holocaust
- Why Edith Couldn’t Compete in the Olympics
- How to Deal With Being in a Minority and Potential Shame
- Dr. Edith’s Final Moments With Her Mother
- How Dr. Edith Survived Her Time in Auschwitz
- Daily Life in Auschwitz and Edith’s Experiences
- Dr. Edith’s Lingering Survivors Guilt
- What Dr. Edith Did for 10 Years After the Holocaust
- How To Use Imagination to Protect Your Mental State
- How To Fully Grieve Traumatic Experiences
- Dr. Edith’s New Book, The Gift
- What Happens When You Are A Prisoner Of Your Own Mind
- Why Dr. Edith’s Not a Victim
- How to Move From ‘Victim’ to ‘Survivor’
- How to Control Internal Negative Talk
- How to End Hatred and Make Progress
- Actionable Steps To Deal With Trauma
- Does Dr. Edith Forgives the Nazis?
- Dr. Edith’s Secret to Profiting in Life
Mentioned in the Episode:
Dr. Edith’s Website: https://dreditheger.com/
Dr. Edith’s New Book, The Gift: https://dreditheger.com/the-gift-2/