Coach Mike Bayer: One Decision To a Better Life | E123
from Young and Profiting with Hala Taha (Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing)
by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
Show Notes
Do you struggle to live authentically?
In today’s episode, we are talking with Coach Mike Bayer, best-selling author and celebrity personal development coach. His mission is to help people achieve sound mental health in order to become their best selves. He also has his own podcast, Always Evolving With Coach Mike Bayer, sits on Dr. Phil’s advisory board, and makes regular appearances on programs such as Dr. Phil, The Doctors, and Dr.Oz.
Mike spent the earlier years of his career as a drug and alcohol counselor (CADC-II) and board registered interventionist (BRI-II). In 2005Mike founded CAST Centers - a leading dual-diagnosis treatment center located in Los Angeles, California. He has a highly reputable track record helping A-List celebrities heal and recover. Mike has worked in the field in a variety of capacities including team-building within corporations, keynote speaking for numerous events and fortune 100 companies, as well as providing creative workshops.
In this episode, we talk about Mike’s childhood and high school years which were filled with drug use, how he found the courage to come out, and his advice to anyone struggling to live their authentic lives. We’ll also touch on Mike’s best-self ritual, how you can identify your core values, and how it only takes one decision to change your life.
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Reach out to Hala directly at Hala@YoungandProfiting.com
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Follow Hala on Instagram: www.instagram.com/yapwithhala
Follow Hala on ClubHouse: @halataha
Check out our website to meet the team, view show notes and transcripts: www.youngandprofiting.com
- Mike's Childhood
- How Mike got the courage to come out.
- Mike's Advice to someone who is scared to come out and be Authentic.
- Why did Mike do drugs in High School?
- Mike's addiction in college.
- Mike's life in Sobriety.
- Did Mike have any formal Training ?
- You can follow your passion and make it as big as you want.
- The Best Self + Mike's Wizard
- Mike's New Book - 'One Decision'
- How One Decision is Related to Authenticity?
- Culture Vs Nature.
- How to Identify Who You Are and be Authentic?
- The REV Acronym
- Breaking Down the Acronym FORCE.
- Rigid Mindset Vs Relaxed Mindset.
;51- Mike's Secret to Profiting in Life.
Mentioned In The Episode:
Website: https://coachmikebayer.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-bayer-545971187/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/coachmikebayer
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CoachMikeBayer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coachmikebayer/
Podcast: https://www.coachmikebayer.com/podcast
Be Your Best Self https://coachmikebayer.com/books/be-your-best-self
Best Self https://coachmikebayer.com/books/best-self
One Decision