Paul Getter: Become a Marketing Mogul | E99
from Young and Profiting with Hala Taha (Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing)
by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
Show Notes
Meet the ultimate internet marketing nerd!
In today’s episode, we are chatting with Paul Getter, consultant, social media expert, speaker and serial entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of The Internet Marketing Nerds and is in the top 1% of ad spenders of Facebook!
In 2009,Paul Getter was broke, struggling, and delivering phone books out of the back of his car to make ends meet. After teaching himself about the power of internet marketing, he created The Internet Marketing Nerds and quickly became one of the most sought after marketing experts in the world. He has spent over one billion dollars running ads and campaigns for his clients, and has helped scale numerous businesses into eight figures per year. Paul has worked with famed clients like Tai Lopez, Les Brown, Grant Cardone, Lewis Howes, and Tim Storey. He is one of the most successful and sought after digital marketers in the world.
In today’s episode, we discuss how Paul got his start working with Facebook paid ads, how to capitalize on organic reach, and we’ll uncover he was able to snag top-tier clients. We’ll then get into the golden rules of paid advertising, why personal branding is so important, and go over the fundamentals of funnels and why they are so important.
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Clubhouse Master Negotiation on Feb 2nd Event with John Lee Dumas, David Meltzer, Heather Monahan and more!: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/event/9mWKeJnm
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Follow YAP on IG: www.instagram.com/youngandprofiting
Reach out to Hala directly at Hala@YoungandProfiting.com
Follow Hala on Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/htaha/
Follow Hala on Instagram: www.instagram.com/yapwithhala
Follow Hala on ClubHouse: @halataha
Check out our website to meet the team, view show notes and transcripts: www.youngandprofiting.com
- Paul’s Background in Theology and the Transition to Marketing
- Paul’s Facebook Page Beginnings for His Church
- Facebook’s Original Organic Reach
- Paul’s Thoughts on Clubhouse
- How Paul Reached High Level Clients
- Meaning of ‘Relationships Over Revenue’
- Networking Tips
- Why Paul Wanted to Start His Personal Brand
- How Much Money Paul Has Spent on Paid Ads For Clients
- Golden Rules of Paid Ads
- Paul’s Perspective on Permission-Based Marketing
- Thoughts on Data Sharing and Apple’s New Policy
- Ways Our Data is Being Tracked
- Line of Ethics with Paid Ads
- Defining a ‘Funnel’ and its Aspects
- How to Get Your Funnels Right
- Paul’s Love of Side Hustles
- Paul’s Secret to Profiting in Life
Mentioned in the Show:
Paul’s Website: https://www.paulgetter.com/
Paul’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-getter/
Paul’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paul/
Paul’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PaulGetter