Josh Fechter: Growth Hacker Marketing Secrets | E13 by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network

Josh Fechter: Growth Hacker Marketing Secrets | E13

from Young and Profiting with Hala Taha (Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing)

by Hala Taha | Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing | YAP Media Network

Published: Thu Dec 27 2018

Show Notes

The internet and evolution of traditional products has given rise to a new discipline in marketing called 'growth hacking' or "growth hacker marketing." Products are no longer just physical things, they are software products like apps, platforms and podcasts that have the potential of spreading themselves and playing a role in their own adoption. Growth hackers understand this power of virality, and use a combination of marketing, analytics and engineering to acquire and engage users—with the ultimate goal of users becoming brand advocates themselves.

A growth hacker is a creative rule breaker. They must continually think of new and innovative ways to drive growth. They are masters in things like social media, blogging, A/B testing, copy wiring, UI/UX, automation, email marketing, SEO and more. While this might sound similar to a digital marketer, the main difference is that digital marketing is focused on brand and positioning, while growth hacking is all about testing and perfecting different tactics and strategies to achieve one thing and one thing only—GROWTH!

In this episode, Hala interviews Josh Fechter, CEO and founder of BAMF (Badass Marketers & Founders), a growth marketing agency and exclusive Facebook community with over 30,000 members. Josh is the former head of growth for several venture-backed companies who rose to fame this year on LinkedIn by starting a viral storytelling trend that broke the professional social media network's algorithm.

Growth hacking is not just a 2018buzz phrase. Tune in to learn how Josh overcame early career failures, unlocked growth hacking secrets, and became one of the top growth marketing influencers in the world.

Download Josh's BAMF Bible here: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/bamf-bible-2018

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