A Deal You Can't Refuse...
from The Commercial Break
by Comedy Podcast | Commercial Break LLC
Published: Fri May 19 2023
Show Notes
Want to drain your bank account and get off on it? Lucky for you, there's a woman out there who'll help you! We're in the Wild, Wild West of financial domination, and ITV investigates.
- Why do we say BYEEEE?
- A woman had a full body orgasm at the symphony
- Being a 16 year old saxophone player is lame, but being a 30 year old saxophone player is cool
- Financial Domination
- Bryan was once told he has pretty feet
- ITV interviews a financial dominatrix
- Maybe we can get someone to bankroll TCB...
- Being a Financial Dominatrix is everyone’s dream
- One of her men sent her 30k in one day
- Producer Christina, once again, volunteers as tribute
- This girl knows how absurd this is, but she’s killing it
- We need to create an AI Financial Dominatrix
- She has made millions!
- Catch her at The Villages in 30 years
- Bryan should have stuck with his “Sexophone”
- Send $350 to GA Power and we’re on!
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- Watch TCB on YouTube
- Creator: Bryan Green
- Co-Host: Bryan Green
- Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley
- Producer: Christina A.
- Producer: Gustavo B.
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