Confirmed Pull!
from The Commercial Break
by Comedy Podcast | Commercial Break LLC
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
Show Notes
Ever wanted a threesome? Of course, but someone is always going to feel left out. Fortunately Bryan & Krissy have found John Anthony Lifestyle to teach us about pulling threesomes. He can get 'em anywhere, even...the mall?
- All of our TCB listeners are trying to fuck more than one person at a time!
- Bryan paints a picture of his band's first show (besides the retirement home)
- Goth girls bring you nothing but trouble, Megan Fox included!
- Bryan’s so excited about Eric Andre and Emily Ratajkowski
- Sexy situations and...a little caprese?
- Threesomes hurt Bryan's feelings because he likes to be the star of the show!
- TCB finds a couple to teach us how to get a threesome
- John Anthony Lifestyle and his extremely hot Brazilian girlfriend
- Pulling threesomes at the mall, an American pasttime
- All John Anthony wants is for his girlfriend to tell people how cool he is
- He's got 13,000 phone numbers in his phone and no one to call
- Carl needs this guy to chill!
- What better time to troll for threesomes than at Thanksgiving
Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns: 1.626.ASK.TCB3 text or leave us a voicemail
Creator: Bryan Green
Co-Host: Bryan Green
Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley
Producer: Christina A.
- Producer: Gustavo B.
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