Goals Toolkit: How to Set & Achieve Your Goals
from Huberman Lab
by Scicomm Media
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
Show Notes
In this episode, I describe science-based protocols to set and achieve your goals in a way that maximizes the likelihood of reaching them. I explain how to define a priority and reach a specific goal by systematically assessing the challenge level, measurability, milestones, and action states needed to make progress from start to finish. I also explain research-supported tools to improve your performance during cognitive or physical goal work — including directed visualization, variable reward timing, and optimizing your physical environment. I also dispel common myths about goal setting and achievement. This episode provides a science-supported toolkit of zero-cost strategies for goal-setting, goal-pursuit, and goal-completion that can be applied to any physical or cognitive endeavor.
For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit hubermanlab.com.
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()Goal Setting Toolkit
()Sponsors: LMNT & Waking Up
()Biology of Goal Setting & Pursuit
()Tool 1: Choose a Priority Goal
()Tool 2: Pursue Lofty Goals
()Tool 3: Define Verb Actions, Measurability & Specificity; Writing vs. Typing
()Tool 4: Visual Reminder Myth; “Post-It Fallacy”
()Tool 5: Accountability Myth, “Don’t Tell the World” Rule
()Intrinsic Motivation & Goal Achievement
()Sponsor: AG1
()Tool 6: Measurable Goal; Quarterly Cycle
()Tool 7: Quantifiable Goals; Book Writing
()Tool 8: Visualization of End; Motivation & Negative Thinking
()Sponsor: InsideTracker
()Tool 9: Visual Target/Finish Line Training & Perceived Effort
()Tool 10: Distance from Phone
()Tool 11: Random, Intermittent Reinforcement; Cognitive Rewards
()Tool 12: “Middle Problem”; Time Chunking
()Tool 13: Circadian Rhythm & Attention
()Tool 14: Protocol Flexibility, Subjective Feelings
()Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Momentous, Neural Network Newsletter, Social Media