How to Defeat Jet Lag, Shift Work & Sleeplessness
from Huberman Lab
by Scicomm Media
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
Show Notes
In this episode, I discuss a simple and reliable measurement called your "temperature minimum" that you can use to rapidly adjust to new time zones when traveling and to offset the bad effects of nocturnal shift work. I also discuss tools for adjusting sleep and waking rhythms in babies, teens, new parents and the elderly.
Read the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com.
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AG1: https://athleticgreens.com/huberman
LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/hubermanlab
Waking Up: https://www.wakingup.com/huberman
Sponsors: AG1, LMNT & Waking Up
The bedrock of sleep-rest cycles
Night owls and morning larks
“The perfect schedule”
The 100K Lux per morning goal
Keeping your biological clock set
Reset your cortisol
Jet Lag, death and lifespan
Going East versus West
The key to clock control
Your Temperature Minimum
Temperature and Exercise
Go West
Pineal myths and realities
The Heat-Cold Paradox
Staying on track
Emergency resets
Psychosis by light
Shift work
The Temperature-Light Rule
Up all night: watch the sunrise?
Error correction is good
NSDR protocols/implementation
The frog skin in your eye (not a joke)
Why stress turns your hair white
Ovaries or testes?
Babies and bright light
Polyphasic sleep
Ultradian cycles in children
Teens and puberty
Light before waking for better sleep
Older people and circadian rhythms
Sleepy Supplements
Red Pills & Acupuncture
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