Should you avoid late-night snacks? - The Big IF Dailies by ZOE

Should you avoid late-night snacks? - The Big IF Dailies

from ZOE Science & Nutrition

by ZOE

Published: Sat Oct 22 2022

Show Notes

We’ve all been there at least once, hovering by the fridge and looking for something to graze on just before bed. What you eat after dark can disrupt your sleep and digestion. Yet new evidence suggests that when we snack is less important than what we snack on, so suddenly that midnight snack may not be a guilty pleasure after all.

In today’s daily episode of ZOE Science & Nutrition, Jonathan is joined by Dr Sarah Berry to answer the question: should you avoid late-night snacks?

This episode is part of a limited series to celebrate the launch of The Big IF Study: The world’s biggest clinical study to discover how intermittent fasting affects our mood, energy and hunger. Want to know if intermittent fasting can work for you?

TAKE PART for FREE: joinzoe.com/thebigif

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This podcast was produced by Fascinate Productions.