Client Spotlight: From Dream Role to CEO & Author by Ilana Golan

Client Spotlight: From Dream Role to CEO & Author

from Leap Academy with Ilana Golan

by Ilana Golan

Published: Mon Aug 07 2023

Show Notes

What creates the pull to start your own company?
When do you decide to follow your passion and when do you play safe?

In this episode, Ilana chats with Lisa Litherland, author, speaker and CEO of Social Optics a social communication program that helps teens create a toolkit to elevate their social and emotional well-being.

Lisa talks about what led her to leave a high-paying job, with a great culture, and work she loved.

Listen to this inspiring story!

Watch this Episode On YouTube - https://youtu.be/zpB2JydeneQ

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About Ilana Golan & Leap Academy:

Website - https://www.leapacademy.com/

Follow Ilana on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ilanagolan/

YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@ilanagolan-leap-academy