313. My Personal Journal Prompts & Tips For Designing A Clear + Compelling Vision by bossbabe

313. My Personal Journal Prompts & Tips For Designing A Clear + Compelling Vision

from the bossbabe podcast

by bossbabe

Published: Thu Aug 10 2023

Show Notes

Let’s talk embodiment, failure + getting crystal clear on your desires. When it comes to designing a freedom-based business and lifestyle that lights you up, having a clear vision is EVERYTHING… so today, we are diving deep on how to get really clear + specific about what you want. Natalie is sharing some really powerful journal prompts (the ones she uses all the time!) to help you gain clarity, feel really confident about your direction moving forward, and get in tune with your bodys signals and messages, so you can finally live the life you truly want.


  • The exact questions + prompts Natalie uses to design her dream life + business
  • How to stop “failing” your future self + let go of everyone else’s dream(s) for you
  • Ways to tap into your body's wisdom + messages (+ incorporate more embodiment into your routine)
  • How to differentiate between what your mind is saying vs the TRUTH your body is telling you
  • Tips for tuning out the noise + recognizing your own voice


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