163. Our Biggest Takeaways From A Weekend With The World’s Greatest Marketers With Jenna Kutcher by Natalie Ellis

163. Our Biggest Takeaways From A Weekend With The World’s Greatest Marketers With Jenna Kutcher

from the bossbabe podcast

by Natalie Ellis

Published: Thu May 06 2021

Show Notes

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to spend the weekend chatting with some of the most brilliant minds in marketing?

Trust us, we had been wondering the exact same thing...

That was, until we got the chance to hang out with Jenna Kutcher, Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi and so many other powerful forces in the business world for an entire weekend.

(Yep. We’re still not over it).

This week, we’re finally sitting down with Jenna Kutcher to debrief on the whole thing and compare notes. We’re sharing our biggest takeaways from our conversations and all the mic-drop moments we experienced so you can apply these tips and tricks to your business immediately – just like we did.

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BossBabe: @bossbabe.inc

Natalie: @iamnatalie

Danielle: @daniellecanty

Jenna Kutcher: @jennakutcher