268. BBS: The 3 Reasons You Didn't Hit Your Goals Last Year (+ What To Do About It) by bossbabe

268. BBS: The 3 Reasons You Didn't Hit Your Goals Last Year (+ What To Do About It)

from the bossbabe podcast

by bossbabe

Published: Tue Jan 10 2023

Show Notes

So you missed the mark on last year’s resolutions... The real truth? Goals are meant to be hit just as much as they’re meant to be missed.

If you hit every single goal you ever set, chances are you’re setting the bar too low and limiting your potential. So how do you set healthy goals? And how do you recalibrate on goals you might’ve missed in the past?

Dive into this episode of the bossbabe business school where Danielle breaks down often overlooked (yet crucial!) steps in the goal setting process + offers actionable tips and tools you can use to assess your progress, stake checkpoints for the future + begin living life as your highest self today.


  • Set your goals like you set your GPS – with where you started.
  • Uncover the areas of your life that would benefit the most from positive change.
  • Don’t treat your dreams like a task list! Learn how to TRULY embody your vision to reach your goals.

