270. BBS: Building A Business The Smart Way by bossbabe

270. BBS: Building A Business The Smart Way

from the bossbabe podcast

by bossbabe

Published: Tue Jan 24 2023

Show Notes

Danielle drops in for this ultra-inspired episode of the bossbabe business school to give you a peek into a recent mastermind with some of the most influential leaders in the world (like Brendon Burchard and Jay Shetty to name a few!) to share her learnings on building a business you love without all the burnout.

A huge part of being an entrepreneur is embracing the journey of growth and being willing and excited to learn from your peers, your customers, even those you aspire to be. We hope you are able to take away actionable insights from this episode, and others like it, as part of your ongoing business (and personal) evolution.

Keep listening for more powerful insights from this exclusive mastermind. We can’t wait to share the rest of our key takeaways with you – there were too many for just one episode!


  • Do you have shiny object syndrome? Learn how to focus your energy.
  • Discover why a “To-Don’t” list could be your saving grace for success.
  • It’s time to automate! Get the scoop on the software Danielle can’t live without.

