224. BBS: 6 Steps To Starting (+ Growing) Your Business by bossbabe

224. BBS: 6 Steps To Starting (+ Growing) Your Business

from the bossbabe podcast

by bossbabe

Published: Fri Jun 17 2022

Show Notes

When it comes to building a business, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the information and advice out there. So let’s simplify things.

In this episode of bossbabe business school, Danielle is sharing just SIX (really, just six!) things to think about if you want to grow your business. And the best part is – you can start applying these things right now.


  • Why building a business is 80% mindset and 20% skill.
  • The ONLY six things you need to focus on if you want to grow.
  • How to identify + focus on the needle-movers so you can see real results.


