272. BBS: How To Be Creative When You Aren’t A Natural Creative by bossbabe

272. BBS: How To Be Creative When You Aren’t A Natural Creative

from the bossbabe podcast

by bossbabe

Published: Tue Feb 07 2023

Show Notes

It’s important to remember a few things about creativity.

1) We are all creative, no matter our chosen profession or industry.

2) Creativity is subjective. There’s no right answer.

3) Creativity isn’t a thing, it’s a process.

Welcome to the latest episode of the bossbabe business school, where Danielle reveals how she overcame her own limiting beliefs on not being a “natural creative” and reviews her top hacks for finding inspiration. She also uncovers new tips + content frameworks from a recent mastermind with other all-star innovators to help you get unstuck.

If you’re thinking, Oh my goodness, I'm not a natural creative, it's not my genius zone – then, this is the episode for you.


  • Are you creatively blocked or are you actually experiencing self-doubt or fear? Discover how to tell the difference and adjust your mindset accordingly.
  • Danielle’s tips for sparking creativity may surprise you (hint – it’s not all about art or music!).
  • Learn Jay Shetty’s secret to consistently creating compelling content - the 4-S framework.

