71. How Community Growth Impacts Your Revenue Growth by Natalie Ellis

71. How Community Growth Impacts Your Revenue Growth

from the bossbabe podcast

by Natalie Ellis

Published: Mon Jan 06 2020

Show Notes

We’re back with another super-actionable mini-episode of the BossBabe Podcast with our Head of Marketing, Kay Snels, and Head of Community, Kayleigh Watson.

With almost 2 million followers on Instagram, it’s fair to say that the BossBabe team knows a thing or two about building, nurturing, and leveraging community to impact revenue growth. Tune in as Kayleigh and Kay discuss the importance of intentional relationship building, how to cultivate a long-term strategy for growing and maintaining a community, using audience feedback to guide your content creation and product development, and so much more!

If you want to build an audience that is happy to throw their credit cards at you, you’re in luck! We’re spilling all the details and sharing actionable tips that you can implement instantly.

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Discover how to grow your audience on Instagram by 10,000 ideal clients in 30 days: bossbabe.com/growthatinsta