182. Why Healing Your Gut Should Be a Top Healthy Priority + The Steps on How to Do It with Tina Anderson
from the bossbabe podcast
by Natalie Ellis
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
Show Notes
What if we told you one of the things that contributes THE most to your overall health is actually…your gut.
But taking care of your gut + what that has to do with other parts of your health (think: mental health, skin clarity + immune system) can feel really elusive and confusing.
So this week, we invited Tina Anderson, CEO + founder of Just Thrive, to the podcast to unpack exactly what you can start doing today to take better care of your whole self – starting with your gut.
If you’ve been looking to take better care of yourself and prioritize your health, but aren’t sure where to start – this is the episode you need to kickstart your journey to true self care. Listen now!
Just Thrive - justthrivehealth.com/discount/bossbabe for 15% off
BossBabe Episode 149 - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/149-why-your-gut-health-is-linked-to-energy-and/id1453389736?i=1000509219300
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- BossBabe: @bossbabe.inc
- Natalie Ellis: @iamnatalie
- Danielle Canty: @daniellecanty
- Website: justthrivehealth.com
- Instagram: @justthrivehealth