239. Support Your Health AND Business With These Key Lifestyle Shifts with Kitty Blomfield by bossbabe

239. Support Your Health AND Business With These Key Lifestyle Shifts with Kitty Blomfield

from the bossbabe podcast

by bossbabe

Published: Tue Aug 09 2022

Show Notes

Kitty Blomfield gets it. From crash diets to intense exercise – she tried it all. In this week’s episode, she’s debunking some of the most widespread myths about nutrition and sharing her secrets so you can live a truly healthy lifestyle.

Plus – she’s unpacking why prioritizing your health needs to become a non-negotiable + sharing the key pivots you can make TODAY to become a healthier you.

If you’ve tried everything for in wellness journey + nothing seems to work, or if you know you need to shift your lifestyle so it supports your health and your business – this episode is for you.


  • Debunking the most widespread myths about nutrition (and sharing what you REALLY need to know).
  • How Kitty made a massive career pivot + how you can, too.
  • Why prioritizing your health is critical for your business + key lifestyle shifts you can start to make – today.

