194. How To Pitch, Negotiate & Get PAID By Brands by bossbabe

194. How To Pitch, Negotiate & Get PAID By Brands

from the bossbabe podcast

by bossbabe

Published: Tue Nov 23 2021

Show Notes

Imagine getting paid to share your favorite products with the online community you’ve already built. Does that sound like a dream come true?

Well, what if we told you that can be your reality right now...regardless of your audience size on social media.

BossBabe’s co-founder, Danielle Canty, is going to show you how to unlock your power as a micro influencer – starting right now. From leading with value and initiating a collaboration to honing in on the USPs that make you stand out from the crowd. This is THE blueprint for getting your favorite brands to pay you for creating content.

Plus, we’re giving you access to the EXACT press kit we use internally at BossBabe so you can pitch to prospective partners without all the stress.

If you’re ready to elevate your influence as an expert, build trust with brands and make your audience your financial asset, this is the episode for you. Listen now!


  • What you can do right now to get paid by your favorite brands
  • How to lead with value when you approach your favorite brands
  • The secret to negotiating your worth in a pitch
  • A peek into the perfect press kit + how to create your own
  • The content strategies to boost engagement
  • Why creating brand flow keeps you financially flexible
  • What you can do right now build better relationships with brands

