234. BBS: Overcome Imposter Syndrome + Start Showing Up On Social Media by bossbabe

234. BBS: Overcome Imposter Syndrome + Start Showing Up On Social Media

from the bossbabe podcast

by bossbabe

Published: Fri Jul 22 2022

Show Notes

Imposter syndrome. We’ve all felt it at some point, but for a lot of us – it feels the most intense when you think about showing up on social media. Can you relate?

If yes – this week’s episode of bossbabe business school is for you. Join Danielle as she talks overcoming imposter syndrome, the best types of social content to post and her simple (and free!) hacks to help you start showing up consistently online.


  • The simple mindset shift ti help you overcome imposter syndrome on social media.
  • Danielle’s content batching process + how you can replicate it.
  • Exactly how often you should be posting based on what kind of growth you want to see.

