168. The Essential Ways To Simplify Your Schedule With Greg McKeown by Natalie Ellis

168. The Essential Ways To Simplify Your Schedule With Greg McKeown

from the bossbabe podcast

by Natalie Ellis

Published: Wed Jun 02 2021

Show Notes

Have you ever taken an inventory of how you spend your time?

After you respond to emails, answer Slack threads and wrap up your Zoom meetings, you could go the whole day without ever moving the needle for the things that matter most.

It can feel so discouraging.

But what if instead, you had room in your schedule to do the work that really matters? What if you could consistently get into a creative headspace and build momentum towards your goals?

On this week’s episode, Natalie Ellis is chatting with one of our all-time favorite authors: Greg McKeown. Greg’s books, Essentialism and Effortless, have become our BossBabe go-to reads for getting clear on priorities, increasing productivity and ensuring we spend our time and energy intentionally.

If you’re hoping to create more space in your life, Greg’s processes will lay a foundation for you to simplify your schedule and start to build a daily routine that really works.


Episode with Dr. Casey Means https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-bossbabe-podcast/id1453389736?i=1000517277453

Back door access to Levels: https://www.levelshealth.com/NATALIE


BossBabe: @bossbabe.inc

Natalie: @iamnatalie

Danielle: @daniellecanty

Greg McKeown: @gregorymckeown