297. Achieve Your Goals In 1/2 The Time With These 3 Simple Shifts
from the bossbabe podcast
by Natalie Ellis
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
Show Notes
If you’re looking to grow your business + achieve your goals faster, this episode is for you. You may be feeling overwhelmed thinking there are 100 things you’ll need to do or learn, but take a deep breath, because there are only a FEW things you actually need to focus on to move the needle in a really big way… and in today’s episode, Natalie is going to share 3 of the biggest shifts with you.
In this episode, you’ll learn how to scale faster WITHOUT the burnout, mindset shifts to help you create more value + get paid what you’re worth, and give you the tangible tools to delegate so you aren’t carrying the weight of your business alone! Listen in as Natalie shares the exact 3 shifts she’s made (that have completely changed the game for her + bossbabe) and learn how you can implement right away to exponentially grow your business.
- Why time DOESN’T equal value + the thing that actually moves the needle in your business
- How to achieve your goals faster + go further WITHOUT doing it all by yourself
- The actual things to focus your efforts + attention on (and how to delegate the rest to free up your time)
- Check out Business By Design x Life By Design - http://bossbabe.com/bbd
- bossbabe: @bossbabe.inc
- Natalie Ellis: @iamnatalie