How The Presidential Race Is Shifting by Josh Holmes, Michael Duncan, John Ashbrook, Comfortably Smug

How The Presidential Race Is Shifting

from Ruthless Podcast

by Josh Holmes, Michael Duncan, John Ashbrook, Comfortably Smug

Published: Thu Oct 17 2024

Show Notes

Who is winning in the 2024presidential race? Which candidate is in a better position to take the White House? Whoever's ahead, Kamala will always be Kamala, and her bizarre media mannerisms are hitting at all the worst times. With the betting markets predicting a trump win and Nate Silver projecting nearly a tie, this election continues to captivate the American voter and the Fellas.

Stay tuned for some juicy variety; Maine is having its annual wife-carrying competition, and a giant pumpkin swallows a cop.

Last but not least, Sen. Tom Cotton joins the progrum!

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