Expanding Your Vision to 10x Your Life by Rudy Mawer

Expanding Your Vision to 10x Your Life

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Thu Apr 13 2023

Show Notes

Are you ready to build a life for yourself in Wonderland? How big is your house? How big is your dream? Now that you're on your entrepreneurial journey, are you thinking big enough?

Rudy is opening our minds today with his ideas of expansive vision. True genius never reckoned with the word 'reasonable'. And if you are going to be putting in all the hard work to build something, why not make all the effort really worth it? Why not add another zero to your ambitions in the money column? 

Living The Red Life means leveling up. And as we level up, we look around at the room that we're in and learn to ask ourselves: am I thinking beyond these four walls

Rudy is daring you to dream, see, think, and act bigger. And when you need a strategist to help you with your business blueprint (or should that be red print?), you know who to call.

 "I battle with myself: am I even doing the right thing in the right business where I'm trying to do $100K days? Not running a business where I'm doing $100K hours, right?" ~ Rudy Mawer

The first 1000to click here and send the promo code from the podcast can claim one of my courses for FREE!  - https://m.me/rudymawerlife 

In This Episode:

  • How to see a ‘bigger room’
  • Can you achieve greatness, faster
  • Be Unreasonable – have unreasonable expectations
  • What are the strategy and actionable steps you can follow? 
  • If you're going through the pain anyway, make sure the reward is worth it

And more!

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