Building the Perfect Environment by Rudy Mawer

Building the Perfect Environment

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Thu Jun 29 2023

Show Notes

What does the perfect environment look like to become a millionaire? And what exactly does it take to become successful and Live The Red Life? 

Rudy is hard at work creating his ideal work environment, so this is a great time for us to tap into his mind and see how he creates new space for his ambitions.

If you want to be a great stockbroker, you're probably going to want to live in New York at some stage in your career. Likewise, if you want to break into Hollywood, you're going to go where films and TV are being produced and rub shoulders with the rich and famous.

Rudy is busy relocating, growing his empire as he serves his wealthy clients, and starts shaking things up in other new and exciting industries than those that he is accustomed to. 

There's a sacrifice and discipline that is to be applauded here, and we can apply these lessons ourselves too as we understand that context is king, and that nothing happens in a vacuum. 

If we want to live in Wonderland, we must be prepared to create it for ourselves. Please join us.

"If you want to become a millionaire you've gotta build that right environment." ~ Rudy Mawer

The first 1000to click here and send the promo code from the podcast can claim one of my courses for FREE!  - https://m.me/rudymawerlife 

In This Episode:

  • Why the right environment for our talents is so important
  • Knowing when to cut ties with the people who aren't serving your vision
  • Rudy shares on his big move and TV show ambitions
  • Where do you sleep at night? The importance of quality sleep 
  • How does the energy of your environment amp up your staff? 
  • Appreciating the sacrifice and hard work required to bring your success to life

And so much more!

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