Strange Lessons Learnt From High Achievers by Rudy Mawer

Strange Lessons Learnt From High Achievers

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Thu Apr 11 2024

Show Notes

In today's episode, I delve into the distinctive behaviors of successful individuals, focusing particularly on their morning routines. I elaborate on this to help you understand why you should craft a personalized routine tailored to your goals, without being swayed by societal norms. Drawing from interactions with high achievers across various fields, I've noticed unwavering focus on self-improvement and goal attainment, contrasting it with the common tendency to prioritize external validation.

Successful Individuals invest in efficiency and effectiveness, often spending generously on tools and services that enhance their productivity. They often have unconventional spending habits, such as prioritizing premium travel options and outsourcing tasks to optimize time management. I also touch on the importance of prioritizing health and longevity, from my personal experience of how this impacts my daily life.


1:29 - Obsessively Focused on Yourself and Your Goals

5:26 - The Importance of a Personalized Morning Routine

6:47 - Intentional Use of Social Media vs. Unintentional Use

8:00 - Investing in Efficiency: Spending Money Wisely

- Prioritizing Health and Well-being for Success

- Obsession with Health and Longevity

- Building and Protecting Your Circle of Influence

- Transitioning from Popularity to Selectivity

- Embracing Uniqueness: Going Beyond Normal

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