Power Couples and Prosperity: Elena Cardone's Success Secrets by Rudy Mawer

Power Couples and Prosperity: Elena Cardone's Success Secrets

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Mon Aug 07 2023

Show Notes

Are you prepared to sit down with your right-hand man, woman, COO, or even your spouse… THAT person… and plan your next week together?

That’s what Rudy is asking of us as he shares his takeaways from spending time with the 10X Ladies and his wife in Miami – and reflecting on his interview with Elena Cardone.

How Elena works with Grant to build their empire is truly inspiring and if you want to create an empire, you also need to build a life around that that is in sync with your plans. And for that, you need a partner who is the yin to your yang!

Appreciating the core principles of communication is the super relevant theme of this week’s episode as we listen again to Rudy’s interview with Elena Cardone and learn that a big part of working hard is sitting down with your spouse and having those hard conversations.

Once you get your finances in order you realize that to be ultra, ultra successful (Rudy is talking about the top 0.01%), it’s all about your energy and your environment. And your spouse makes up a big part of that.

So get her, or whomever that person is for you, and dial into this illuminating interview together with our Man in Red and 10X’s Elena Cardone! Red Life living large, as always. Please join us.

“People are too afraid to bring business principles into personal life because they don’t want it to sound like a business. But that’s a limiting belief.” ~ Rudy Mawer

In This Episode:

Rudy shares on the importance of energy and environment to be ultra-successful

How the 2008financial crisis turned into an opportunity for Elena and Grant Cardone

The importance of being aligned with your spouse/partner

What a strong support group can do for your success

What does a “golden force field” look like?

Connect with Elena Cardone:

Website - https://elenacardone.com/

Connect with Rudy Mawer:

LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/rudymawer/

Instagram - www.instagram.com/rudymawerlife

Facebook - www.facebook.com/rudymawerlife

Twitter - www.twitter.com/rudymawer