One to One Hundred Employees by Rudy Mawer

One to One Hundred Employees

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Thu Feb 16 2023

Show Notes

How do you collapse time and go from 1 to 100 employees in no time at all? Rudy Mawer – AKA The Man in Red – is packing a punch today as he time travels back to his early days with a story about an employee who almost got away with stealing his entire company by duplicating his courses! 

This episode is a lesson in getting those first hires right – whether it’s friends, family, or interns, they need to share that same hustle mentality as you when you burn the midnight oil. 

As Rudy recalls, those early days (of late nights) are some of the best times when you’re just starting out. So it helps to have a core team that shares your entrepreneurial hunger. Listen up and collapse time yourself with this practical advice on the staffing building blocks you need to achieve greatness

“In those early days, that hustle and drive is what’s gonna make you successful. And having that small group around you, that first couple of hires that share that hustle and drive, especially in person, it’s gonna be a game-changer, it’s gonna be motivating, it’s gonna be an amazing experience that stays with you forever.” ~ Rudy Mawer

The first 1000to click here and send the promo code from the podcast can claim one of my courses for FREE!  - https://m.me/rudymawerlife 

In This Episode:

- The story of how an employee almost stole Rudy’s entire company

- The pros and cons of hiring friends and family

- Is it worth hiring interns? 

- Where do you find good people?

- Using your network to find people who share your business philosophy

And more!

Connect with Rudy Mawer:



