Advanced Buying & Marketing Psychology Secrets by Rudy Mawer

Advanced Buying & Marketing Psychology Secrets

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Thu May 09 2024

Show Notes

In this podcast episode, I delve into the psychology of buying and selling, unraveling the mysteries behind pricing strategies and consumer behavior. To help you understand, I draw from parallels between the automotive industry and product pricing, emphasizing the critical role branding and perceived value play in driving consumer decisions. The importance of aligning pricing with the buyer's journey and psychological triggers, which will hopefully shift your perspective and force you to tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.

Another key concept I cover is the stages of buyer awareness, from the unaware masses to the committed customers, advocating for a nuanced approach in messaging and content creation. By understanding where potential customers fall within this spectrum, businesses can craft targeted campaigns and offers that resonate with their specific needs and preferences.


1:08 - Understanding Pricing Psychology

2:07 - Analogies from Everyday Shopping

3:50 - Matching Sales Processes to Products

7:05 - Simplifying the Sales Process

8:13 - Tailoring Touch Points to Product Value

9:50 - Webinars and High-Ticket Sales

- Drop-off Rates and Sales Funnels

- Matching Price to Purchase Process

- Perceived Value and Branding

- Elevating Product Perks and Brand Strength

- Brand Effect on Price

- Adding Value: Ideas and Implementation

- Navigating Buyer's Awareness Stages

- Tailoring Sales Approach to Buyer Journey

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