Behind The Scenes Of My Success w/ My COO Mike Wisner by Rudy Mawer

Behind The Scenes Of My Success w/ My COO Mike Wisner

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Mon May 22 2023

Show Notes

What are the successful traits of an entrepreneur? And how can we reverse engineer the answers to that question? How about a reverse interview? Rudy Mawer, AKA The Man in Red, is joined in the studio today by his right-hand man and long-time friend and colleague Mike,  who is answering the questions that Rudy wants to be asked! 

This is a fascinating look under the hood of Rudy's company, as well as an insight into the mind and methodology of one of the sharpest entrepreneurs around today. Learn how growth equals change, and how Rudy is setting up his staff to achieve high levels of success.

From clear communication at the start of a brief through to setting the right standard of expectation, and from marketing that irresistible offer to ‘dancing in the rain’, this is behind the scenes at Living The Red Life that will give every hungry entrepreneur out there some clues for their own future success. Please join us!

"I've got used to enjoying dancing in the rain. It's gonna rain, it's gonna pour... and when there's a storm, it comes together." ~ Rudy Mawer

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In This Episode:

  • What did Mike see in Rudy when they met in the UK?
  • How Rudy clearly articulates what he demands of his staff
  • 'Dancing in the rain' - when it all comes together under pressure
  • Unpacking Rudy's competitiveness
  • Setting staff up to succeed when you’re the CEO
  • Mike's hot take on Rudy's killer marketing strategies  

Connect with Rudy Mawer:

Twitter - www.twitter.com/rudymawer