Money Loves Speed - The SuperPower To Get Ahead! by Rudy Mawer

Money Loves Speed - The SuperPower To Get Ahead!

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Thu Oct 05 2023

Show Notes

Why does money love speed? And why do we need to move faster? Rudy is a fast-moving entrepreneur – he thinks about something and then takes action. And while it may sometimes drive his team crazy, it is a big formula for his success. 

Many billionaires share the common traits of decisiveness followed by swift action. And today Rudy is reminding us that our greatest competitor isn’t necessarily other entrepreneurs — it’s Father Time. We’re all on a countdown, all on a clock. 

So join the Man in Red as he dares you to take a big-picture look at your life and what you want to achieve with your time on Earth – and set some personal challenges accordingly! 

This starts with asking someone ‘Why not?’ when you ask for something to be done quickly and they’re not willing to push themselves to get you what you want instantly. And it continues with how you encourage your team to keep up with you as you create business alignment with your network.  

Hurry, hurry, hurry! Hustle, hustle, hustle! Learn from one of the fastest moving, sharpest marketing and entrepreneurial minds around as Rudy Mawer teaches us how to train the reflex of acting fast and decisively as if it were a muscle we need to train. 

Collapse time, make money fast, and leave a lasting legacy. It’s all achievable, just this side of Wonderland. Red life living at full throttle! Come and get it. 

“Our greatest competitor isn’t the other brands in our space. It’s death, it’s time. We’re all on a clock.” ~ Rudy Mawer

In This Episode:

  • Appreciating the skillset of moving with speed
  • Learning to ask “Why Not?”
  • Why having a hustle mentality will help you to collapse time
  • Beware the ‘anti-hustle’!
  • Realizing that you can have everything you want, faster
  • 10Xing your productivity with a ‘can do’ attitude
  • How to set some personal challenges for yourself to move faster

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