Be The Authentic, Extreme You For Success! by Rudy Mawer

Be The Authentic, Extreme You For Success!

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Thu Aug 31 2023

Show Notes

What does it mean to play in your extremes? Rudy is opening our eyes to reveal how our extremes are what makes us truly unique and that going there to work, to play, and to express yourself can be a really good thing.

Becoming more ‘authentically you’ will result in you becoming a better business person. And so if that means playing to your strengths that lie at the edges of your personality you should cultivate that side of you rather than letting society suppress it so that you can fit in. 

Our Man in Red is sharing how everything from the consistent messaging that you put out on social media to the staff that you choose actually depends on you articulating your unique worldview. 

This in turn will allow your tribe to find you, as people resonate with your message and gravitate towards your offering. 

Learn why polarization isn't necessarily a bad thing and how to build your confidence through consistently showing up as your authentic self. 

Playing in your extremes requires working on yourself and fighting a bit against the mainstream in order to stand out. With Rudy's insights, Wonderland has never looked more appealing. Please join us. 

"Your extremes is where you can be the most successful, where you can be the most authentic you." ~ Rudy Mawer

In This Episode:

  • Why most successful people you know are extreme
  • Why it's okay that not everyone resonates with your message
  • Building a tribe around your unique brand
  • Empowering the authentic YOU
  • Why people want to buy into YOUR story 
  • Building your confidence through consistent, authentic messaging
  • Don't be afraid of polarization
  • What it looks like when you know that you are on the right track!

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