Hustling to Become Millionaires with Vince Del Monte by Rudy Mawer

Hustling to Become Millionaires with Vince Del Monte

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Mon Apr 24 2023

Show Notes

What does stewardship mean to you? For Vince Del Monte, it's about taking care of his God-given talents and making the most of this one short life that he's been given. Vince knows that fear is the path to freedom and that the entrepreneurial journey that he walks is lined with challenges.  

Rudy met Vince Del Monte when he'd just moved to Florida, and they've been growing together as entrepreneurs along similar paths for a good few years now. Both were working as gym instructors, doing one-on-one coaching, and cleaning gym equipment back in the day.

Both got exposed to online marketing, selling ebooks, and earning passive income instead of having a JOB. This is a conversation between two friends who are now both Living The Red Life,  having built big coaching programs with multi-million dollar fitness campaigns

Neither are satisfied to rest. Both are ambitious for ‘new levels with new devils’ – challenges to be overcome, rather than problems that can't be solved. Join Rudy and Vince in a conversation that will whet your appetite for ambition and red life living. It’s time to face your fear and start Living The Red Life. 

"You always have an opportunity to decide how you reframe a challenge or a circumstance. And I think that's an empowering message, one that gives a lot of people hope." ~ Vince Del Monte

The first 1000to click here and send the promo code from the podcast can claim one of my courses for FREE!  - https://m.me/rudymawerlife 

In This Episode:

  • Vince's journey from gym guy to Internet millionaire
  • Understanding Responsibility and how to reframe a challenge
  • "With new levels come new devils"
  • Are you rich in relationships?
  • Why there has to be an element of fear in what you do
  • A thought experiment: running the negative waterfall
  • Gratitude as a mental lubricant: understanding you don't deserve anything
  • ‘What you appreciate, appreciates’
  • The value of creating a great product to sell 
  • Finding staff who have great ambition: asking the right questions
  • '70% of marketing is just knowing who you're talking to'
  • Why being humble in defeat is a great character trait

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