Millionaire Mindset Mastery With Brian Dalmaso by Rudy Mawer

Millionaire Mindset Mastery With Brian Dalmaso

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Mon May 15 2023

Show Notes

You might have the right business strategy to achieve greatness, but do you have the right mindset? Brian Dalmaso is the CEO of Matrix Success International. And if you know our host Rudy Mawer, you know that Living The Red Life is inspired by taking the red pill in The Matrix and living a life less ordinary. 

Brian is a Lifestyle Enhancement Mentor and mindset coach that Rudy regularly engages with. Rudy was born with a positive mindset, Brian acquired one through mentorship and reading up on the subject. 

Together they are combining to provide us with the tools we need to up our entrepreneurial game as we learn how to act on our unconscious competence, build mental programs that support our ambitions, and maintain a positive approach to life. 

The key attributes of success, from not caring about what other people think, to having the desire to achieve, are shared as mindset tips from two Red Life mentors who are offering it up, for free, on this red-hot episode of Living The Red Life. Please join us!

"Elon Musk is not reading the news. He's creating the news." ~ Brian Dalmaso  

The first 1000to click here and send the promo code from the podcast can claim one of my courses for FREE!  - https://m.me/rudymawerlife 

In This Episode:

  • Understanding the value of mentorship and having a mindset roadmap
  • What is unconscious competence?
  • Learning not to worry about what other people are thinking
  • The entrepreneurial path: learning what not to do
  • Where do entrepreneurs get their positive approach from? 
  • Who are you listening to and who are you taking advice from?
  • Changing relativity and perspective when faced with business challenges
  • Is your spouse supporting you in what you do?
  • Unpacking The Wheel of Life – a lifestyle audit from Brian Dalmaso

Connect with Brian Dalmaso:

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