Life Lessons From Living With a Billionaire for a Week by Rudy Mawer

Life Lessons From Living With a Billionaire for a Week

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Thu Mar 30 2023

Show Notes

Rudy Mawer and Richard Branson share a few things in common: both are British, and both are passionate entrepreneurs intent on creating an impact and leaving a lasting legacy

‘Life lessons from living with a billionaire for a week’ is the subject of today’s episode of Living The Red Life as Rudy was fortunate to spend a week with Sir Richard Branson on his private island.

We, the Red Life Tribe, are fortunate to learn from Rudy today as he shares some of Richard Branson’s insights and applies them to our current business situation today. In between playing chess with the Virgin boss and successfully swimming around Necker Island, Rudy was able to glean so much wisdom from one of the world’s greatest businessmen alive

He’s generously sharing his insights so that we too can innovate and grow and empower ourselves with the right mindset as we go full throttle on Living The Red Life. It’s all here, and it’s all good

“Understand that, hey, it’s about bringing in the right people and trusting them and not trying to do everything yourself.” ~ Rudy Mawer

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In This Episode:

- Circumnavigating Necker Island, chess with the Virgin Boss, and other crazy stories

- How Richard Branson made travel amazing – innovation born out of frustration

- Innovating in an industry you want to disrupt

- Seeing failures as lessons — learning not to dwell on disappointment 

- Hiring the right people around — especially when you don’t know the industry 

- Having the mindset of knowing when to move on and not be a victim

And more!

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