Mindset of Success - From 14 People to 14,000 Person Live Events! with Him500 by Rudy Mawer

Mindset of Success - From 14 People to 14,000 Person Live Events! with Him500

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Mon May 01 2023

Show Notes

What does it take to host an event with 14000people? What mindset does it take to fill an arena? Him500 is a public figure, thinking about his audience, educating his community – and filling arenas and masterminding events as he goes and grows. 

Him500 (AKA Marcus Barney) is a business mentor who got his real estate license when he was 19 and learned the principles of leveraging credit which are some of the skills he’d one day pass on to others in his community. He also went to a live event and told his moms that one day he’d be packing out arenas. 

And now he’s filling Madison Square Gardens, combining an appreciation of in-person community with teaching those that dare to dream that your credit score is your financial superpower. 

Him500’s story of ambition and determination earns Rudy’s respect. For those of us Living The Red Life, we can take a leaf out of the book of this business mentor that’s blowing up – and making others rich alongside him. Check @Him500 out now, this guy is the real deal.

“Mindset-wise is looking at: where is my audience? What would make them come? I know they watch me, but what is the extra whipped cream on top? What is the extra sauce that I can put to where they get more for their time?” ~ Him500

The first 1000to click here and send the promo code from the podcast can claim one of my courses for FREE!  - https://m.me/rudymawerlife 

In This Episode:

  • How Him500 went from organizing his first 14-person event to a mastermind with 14 000!
  • Why Community is Everything - how Marcus Barney blew up explaining how to leverage credit
  • The value of having a mindset coach 
  • What are the small decisions that led to the big places that HIM500 has gotten to today? 
  • How to structure events when you only get paid a week afterward
  • What to expect at Madison Square Gardens

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