The Future Of Marketing by Rudy Mawer

The Future Of Marketing

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Thu Sep 07 2023

Show Notes

What does the future of marketing look like? As we approach Q4 of '23, it's certainly been an interesting year for online entrepreneurs! 

With a bit of hindsight and forward-thinking, Rudy is well-positioned at the cutting edge of what's cool in the digital marketing space to offer us a glimpse into his crystal ball. 

Sales funnels, ad spend, social media campaigns, and celebrity partnerships... what does it look like from Rudy's bird's eye view of where we need to be headed? 

Today our Man In Red is giving us his Top 5 Future marketing insights that can help you get ahead of the game! 

How can you get paid to grow your email list? How are you building out your sales call process? How can you incorporate AI into your business? And how are you going all in on your personal brand and growing your tribe?

Not everything Rudy is teaching us today is breaking news. Some of his tips may just be a timely reminder to assess your workforce and see where AI can be your newest team member. 

Or to put a spin on a virtual event and try something with a partnership collaboration that sees you exchange email lists and expose you to a new audience. 

Get an advantage and learn from Rudy's future insights based on all his agency experience and the people he's rubbing shoulders with in Wonderland. Come on in, the future's looking fine!

"If you can be one of the first then you're always gonna have lower costs, higher ROI, better results, and it's gonna be easier for you." ~ Rudy Mawer 

In This Episode:

  • How new sales strategies and funnel systems emerge (and become well-known)
  • Creating a cascade effort with your momentum that you can compound into another project
  • Appreciating YouTube as the new TV
  • How 1000loyal fans will help you build any business you need
  • How can you incorporate AI into your business?
  • The power of live events and live virtual events
  • Why 'the phone' is never going away (appreciating human conversation and interaction)
  • Creating Joint Venture opportunities within relationships

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