How To Crush Your Goals by Rudy Mawer

How To Crush Your Goals

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Thu Dec 14 2023

Show Notes

What does it take to crush your goals? We're talking about setting better goals, and having the discipline to actually stick to them? 

Having a vision for your business, and then setting goals according to that vision, and then measuring the success of those goals from a KPI standpoint are all fundamentally important. 

As Rudy explains, every morning he and his team have a 'Level Up' meeting where they address their goals and provide each other updates. 

Rudy is also outlining his personal goals for next year, and you wouldn't bet against our Man in Red being on bigger stages, on TV, and with more celebrity partnerships to his name! So we can learn from the best as Rudy shows us just how to create your own deliverable plan with actionable steps.

What are your goals? What will happen if you achieve your goals? And what is needed to achieve these goals? With 2024just around the corner, it's time for a wake-up call from Wonderland! Let's get to work crushing our goals! You got this. Keep Living the Red Life!

"2024can be an amazing year. But it's going to take discipline, it's going to take a year of focus. It's an interesting year, so I wish you the best of luck. But make sure you have clear goals and a clear plan to achieve it and bring it to life." ~ Rudy Mawer

In This Episode:

  • Understanding the 2 types of goal setting
  • Writing down your goals to solidify them
  • What is needed to achieve your goals?
  • Creating quarterly plans for each goal (and making those plans visible)
  • Sharing your goals with the people that make an impact on your goals
  • Creating your own deliverable plan to achieve your goals


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