Grant Cardone’s Mentorship for Millionaires by Rudy Mawer

Grant Cardone’s Mentorship for Millionaires

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Mon Jan 16 2023

Show Notes

Are you ready to take the red pill and 10X your life and your endgame? The one and only Grant Cardone is chatting to Rudy Mawer – AKA the man in red – today, sharing his insights, experience, and opinions on how to create that winning money mindset… and bring in those millions. 

There’s a meeting of minds between Rudy and Grant as Rudy shares his origin story and his desire to collapse time to get to that magic billion-dollar mark. Grant has been a great mentor to Rudy over the years, and Grant reflects wisely on how to have exit positions for every time you take your business to the next level.

As always, on Living The Red Life, there’s an emphasis on learning. What are you spending your money on to grow and 10X your game? Who are you following, what are you learning, and how are you implementing these learnings to create a life of true financial freedom and impact for those around you? 

Grant Cardone and Rudy Mawer are here to share their pillars and perspectives on an enthralling episode of Living The Red Life. So if you’ve ever dreamed of freedom and prosperity, come get it!

Register now for the FREE 5-Day Unbreakable challenge with Grant, Rudy & other business titans this January 24-28th. Don’t miss out, RSVP for your seat at: http://theredlife.com/unbreakable

“You made some decision to be something. And I know if I look back over my life, everything that I’ve done — good and bad — I had something to do with the creation of, like, I’m going to become that.” — Grant Cardone

The first 1000to click here and send the promo code from the podcast can claim one of my courses for FREE! 

We are also giving away thousands of dollars worth of amazing prizes 🤑, including AirPods and other must-have tech gadgets. Join here!

In This Episode:

- What’s the real idea of being rich? 

- How to lead your destination to success

- The importance of having a high-level commitment

- The best way to move on from your old failure and become renewed

- The impact of your environment on your success

- The power of speed in implementation

- How to create a life for yourself outside the norm

- The importance of having an alignment of vision with your team 

- The reason why you need to do something big to get something big 

- How having a strong mindset can lead you to your ultimate goal

- Grant’s 5 Pillars

- How does Grant see 2023?

-The 5-Day Challenge — a free event that will teach you how to create generational wealth

And more!

Connect with Grant Cardone:


Connect with Rudy Mawer:

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