How To Charge 10x More (& Why You MUST!) - Premium Prices 101 by Rudy Mawer

How To Charge 10x More (& Why You MUST!) - Premium Prices 101

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Thu Sep 28 2023

Show Notes

Pricing! How do you work out what the right amount to charge your customer is? How can you charge more? Why should you? Charging a premium for your products or services has been a life-changing lesson for Rudy in business, and today he's spilling the tea on WHY.

Charging premium prices will transform the way you do business. Over time Rudy has learned that the best paying clients are the ones that are investing the most. And that it's just as much effort to sell a $10K product as it is to sell a $500 one - so you do the math on how you want to spend your time and energy!

Do you want one thousand $500 headaches to make $50K, or do you want to deal with maybe ten $10K challenges to net the same amount? Do you want to have offers that are resilient in the face of a recession?

Rudy is giving us the answers to these questions (and more) as he breaks down how to take someone who doesn't even know about you to become a raving fan and repeat buyer. Understand the ascension model and how to create pricing tiers for your products or services. 

Get your mindset right as you step through into the gates of Wonderland where Red Life Living and charging what you are worth awaits!

"There's so many benefits of upping your prices and having higher ticket offers within your brand." ~ Rudy Mawer

In This Episode:

  • Why you get the worst complaints if you sell cheap stuff
  • Why premium brands with premium offers are recession-proof
  • Understanding the ascension model that works for you
  • What are Rudy's Four Tiers of Ascension model marketing?
  • Understanding ‘done by you’, ‘done with you’, and ‘done for you’ offers
  • How to get your mindset right so that you can charge more
  • Do you have a clear distinction between your products?
  • How to do your market research to see what else is working in parallel industries

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